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The 4th International Conference of Asian Allelopathy Society

September 8-10, 2018, Tokyo, Japan.




Abstract book


Student Awards


The final message from the organizer professor Yoshiharu Fujii



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On behalf of the Volunteer Group for the Fourth Asian Allelopathy Conference, we sincerely invite all scientists, students and others in Asia and around the world to the Fourth International Conference of Asian Allelopathy Society (AAS) that will take place at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology in Tokyo, Japan, September 8-10, 2018. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to exchange the latest development in allelopathy research and application and to establish collaborative research among scientists the field of allelopathy in Asia and around the world. 

Allelopathy research in Asia has grown very rapidly in the past three decades. Allelopathy plays an important role in the management of natural and agricultural ecosystems. Asian countries are geographically connected with each other and we share many similarities in climate, plant species, agricultural, and cultural traditions. The ASIAN ALLELOPATHY SOCIETY (AAS) is a non-profit organization exclusively for scientific purposes, specifically to promote the (i) Understanding of allelopathy and (ii) Collaboration in Allelopathy Research between Asian scientists and those from other countries. The society was established in 2009 and the first international conference was held in Guangzhou of China during December 18-22, 2009. The second international conference was held in Chandigarh of India during December 14-18, 2012. The third international conference was held in Fuzhou, China, from October 30 to November 2, 2015. Compared to these successful conferences, we are not sure for good preparation, accommodations and program, but we would like to invite all people who have interest in allelopathy, and hope to meet old friends, find new friends, and we hope that this conference will provide something new for the future of our sciences.


Yoshiharu Fujii, Hisashi Kato-Noguchi and Masanori Morimoto

Proposed topics

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 Proposed Topics

1. Methods for studying allelopathy.


2. Allelochemical: isolation, identification, biosynthesis and applications.


3. Molecular mechanisms of allelopathy.


4. Role of allelopathy in biological invasion.


5. Allelopathy in natural ecosystems, agriculture and forestry.


6. Allelopathic interactions between plants and other organisms including insects, pathogens, endophytes, mycorrhizal fungi.


7. Others (suggested).


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2018.9.9 final program.png

The final message from the organizer Professor Yoshiharu Fujii:


Report of the 4th Asian Allelopathy meeting:


It has just been one week from the 4th Asian Allelopathy meeting in Tokyo.


We would like to thank to all the participants for coming to this meeting.

We appreciate your great contribution to the meeting.


We are also happy to usefully finish this time meeting and hand over the next meeting to the country of Pakistan. The next meeting would be held in 2021, 3 years from now.

I think it will be announced on the homepage of Asian Allelopathy Society (AAS).


The 4th AAS meeting homepage for the conference will close in about one month.


Therefore and hereby I send you a very brief report of our last meeting:


The total Number of participants: 91

Country 18

Major 3 countries were:

Japan 32, China 24, Pakistan 7.

Participants came from 18 countries including West Asia and Africa.


Keynote speech: 7

Oral presentation: 24 (in the abstract, 30)

Poster Presentation: 45


Oral presentation award and Poster presentation award including gold, silver and bronze, were given to the students, by the evaluation committee consisted of 12 Professors.


18 Sep. 2018


Prof. Yoshiharu FUJII, Organizer of 4th AAS meeting



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Organizing Committee 

Local Organizing Committee

International Scientific Committee

Committee members

Forough Abbassi, Iran 

Amrik S. Ahluwalia, India

Ibrahim S. Alsaadawi, Iraq

Prasanta Bhowmik, USA, 

Zahid Ata Cheema, Pakistan, 

Chang-Hung Chou, Taiwan China, 

Yoshiharu Fujii, Japan, 

Nivedita Ghayal, India, 

Inderjit, India. 

Muthukrishnan Jayakumar, India, 

Tsunashi Kamo, Japan, 

Kil-Ung Kim, Republic of Korea. 

Wen-xiong Lin, China, 

Shamsher S. Narwal, India. 

Hisashi Kato-Noguchi, Japan, 

Muhammad Farooq, Pakistan, 

Shi-ming Luo, China, 

Azim U Mallik, Canada, 

Zhi-qiang Pan, USA, 

Shaolin Peng, China, 

Jamal R. Qasem, Jordan, 

Chuah Tse Seng, Malysia, 

Han-wen Wu, Australia, 

Yadava R.N., India, 

Jing-quan Yu, China, 

Ren-sen Zeng, China, 

Zhong-yi Zhang, China, 

Chairman: Yoshiharu Fujii (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)

Vice-Chairman: Hisashi Kato-Noguchi (Kagawa University), President Elect of AAS


Secretary General: Masanori Morimoto (Kindai University)

Local Organizing members

Katsura Keisuke, Okazaki Shin, 

Oikawa Yosei

(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)


Hiroshi Araya (Meiji University)

Hidehiro Inagaki (Shizuoka University)


Tsunashi Kamo (National Agric. Res. Organization)


Mitsuhiro Matsuo (Miyazaki University)


Rie Miyaura (Tokyo University of Agriculture)


Satoshi Nakai (Hiroshima University)


Mitsuru Shindo (Kyusyu University)


Yukari Sunohara (University of Tsukuba)

Kaori Tomita-Yokotani (University of Tsukuba)

  • Nippon Carbide Industries Co., INC. 
  • The Weed Science Society of Japan (WSSJ)

How to registrate

Registration fee is $150 USD. Student registration is $50 USD.


Payment method: please pay upon your arrival.


Registration fee includes membership fee ($10 for three years).


Including in the registration fee, a small lunch will be provided. 


for more details please click here.



Preparation of abstracts

Authors (presenters) should submit a short, preliminary abstract (one page, double spaced, with author's affiliation and mailing address). The abstract will be used for placing your presentation in the general topics of the Conference (see "Proposed Topics"). Upon acceptance of the preliminary abstracts, detailed guidelines and instructions for preparation of the papers will be sent immediately to the authors.

Deadline of Abstract submission

  • The maximum word limit for the abstract is 200-300 words.

  • Please download the abstract template provided in the ASS website and follow the format carefully.

  • abstract should be submitted in English.

  • Deadline for abstract submission  June 1, 2018.

Organizing commitee and participation
Access and information

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Study Excursion, (Optional)

A short tour to  Man'yo Botanical Garden will be held on September 9th.

Man'yo Botanical Garden contains 160 Japanese traditional plants

The tour will be guided by Professor Fujii, It will Start at 10:00 am from University

So please gather in front of Building Number at the time.

for more information, please read the details of 
The Fourth International Conference of Asian Allelopathy Society
in the provided documents below.

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